A man in California knew that he would not be home on the day he was expected to receive a package from UPS. So, in order to ensure that he got his package that day, he left a note for the driver saying that he should leave the package on his neighbor's porch instead. What the man did not expect was the the UPS driver's definition of deliver meant hurling the package over the customer's fence onto the neighbor's porch ten to twelve feet away, something no customer ever wants to happen to their package.
"I, I couldn't believe it. I mean I was just dumbfounded," says the homeowner who posted video surveillance of the footage on YouTube that he recorded from his home security camera system. Once the video hit YouTube it gained the attention of a CBS affiliate in Sacramento.
The supervisor of the local UPS hub, who was obviously contacted about the incident, played down the video trying to convince the homeowner that the driver "tossed" the package onto the neighbor's porch. Obviously that didn't fly with the homeowner or the CBS affiliate so they contacted UPS headquarters. Their response? "Drivers know they are to handle each and every one of their 15.1 million packages delivered every day with care."
However, if you scour YouTube for no more than 5 seconds you can find thousands of videos from security cameras that show more than a few UPS drivers who think "handle with care" means "kick the crap out of it".
Source: The Consumerist - Don't UPS Drivers Realize Customers Have Security Cameras?